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NCQ Volume 2, Issue 3 featuring ‘The Cream of the Crop’
Spring 2004
Being Better Off, But Feeling Worse: What’s Happening to People in Australia?
Richard Eckersley
Derived from a guest lecture at the Soil, Soul and Society weekend workshop at Borderlands in May 2004, this article reviews the state of progress, the problem of apocalyptic nihilsm and other cultural issues and the place of values.
Community Organisations and the dance of good and bad risk
Sue Kenny
Community organisations are bedevilled by the isea of risk and the construction of the idea of a risk society. This paper discusses alternative interpretations of risk as threat and opportunity and concludes that the the way that risk is defined is part of the rationale for new forms of control.
Mobilising Local Capacity and Knowledge: A South African Case Study
John Cartwright, Madeleine Jenneker and Clifford Shearing
A version of this paper was presented at the Melbourne Community Development, Human Rights and Grassroots COnference, April 2004. This article continues Sue Kenny’s assertion that community development is about “governance” with the example from Worcester in South Africa where state and civil society were integrated on the basis of direct governance.
Youth Work and Community Development – Kissing Cousins or Comrades in Arms
Tim Corney
This is an edited version of a paper presented at the Community Development, Human Rights and Grassroots Conference, April 2004. The question of whether or not youth work is a valid form of community development is not new. Recent research establishes it’s validity beyond doubt and also promotes a progressive and alternative image.
Social Profits? Non-Profit Organisations in Market Culture
Robyn Eversole
Non-profit and non-government orgisations are characterised as part of the “third sector” whose goals are neither private profit making or governance. The practise of defining these organisations in the negative is symptomattic of the culture biases which view the market economy and the nation state as valued key institutions.
Creating Capable Communities: A Commitment to Partnership
Marilyn Elis and Alison Normanton
The initiative for Creating Capable Communities (CCC) behan from partnership with familities when Southern Family Life (SFL) responded to the distress following the deaths of three single mothers in housing estate neighbourhoods in 1997. This led to a pilot project, Creating Capable Kids, aiming at the skills of parenting as a key to providing the resilience for children in the community.
Searching for a Common Language
Zohl de Ishatar
This paper was presented at the Community Development, Human Rights and Grassroots Conference, April 2004. This article deals with the imperative for community development practitioners who are other than indigenous to find ways of forming a “common language” (collaborations and partnerships_ iwth Indigenous peoples that advance their aspirations for cultural revitilisation and maintenance.
Centrelink and Social Entrenpreneurism in Local Communities
Gail Winkworth and Emilija Todorova
The interest in how government and non-government sectors can improve people’s lives has been an issue since colonial times. Recent interest has resurfacecd in recognition of the role that community development, self governance etc improves quality of life. There are now new calls for participatory governance.
Community Capacity Building, Community Development – What’s In A Name
Cate Kyne
At the national Community Development, Human Rights and the Grassroots Conference, activits and academics voiced similar concerns if not dismay at the reconfiguring of the “language” of community development. All referred in various ways to the crucial link between community development practise, critical-thinking, active citizenship and the maintenance and upholding of human rights.
A View of Community Building from the Inside
Rob Nabben, Paul Crossley, Sally Bruen
This presentations explores to what happens when a group of people “do” community building. Whilst it is notable that state and national governments are supporting concepts like “social capital” critics argue that this a means to coopt and contain social unrest.
More than Visitors: People with an intellectual disability, community inclusion and the Partner Assisted Learning System
Judy Buckingham
In the past two decades there has been a push to move the intellectually disabled out of institutions and into the community, which has been supported with the concept that the inclusion of people is a social justice principle. This has been translated into practise with employers, adult education centres and neighbood classes. Yet the overall impression is one of tolerated vistors, rather than inclusion.
Negotiating for Social Justice
Dimity Fifer
Keynote address at the National Conference of the Australian Association of Social Workers, September 2003. The article deals with the social work conference themes, the integration of social justice needs and human resouces, from the perspective of Australian Volunteers International whereby the concept of human resouces is replaced from a professoinalised development tool within a project-lev recovery pradigm.
Deflecting Liability: Case Studies in “Consensus Organizing”
review essay by Martin Mowbray
Book Review
New Community Quarterly Association
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Email: [email protected]ABN 60 304 561 531 ISSN 1 448-0336
Last updated 4 February, 2008 byJustin Tutty