
New Community Quarterly


The most recent news about New Community Quarterly will always be found on the homepage. This page serves as an archive.

New Community Quarterly Vol 2 Number 4, Summer 2004

Theme of the issue: “Rural, Regional and Remote Community Development”


Roles small rural communities play in setting their own agenda and forging their own futures A. Jennings
“If you can’t kill the guru”: Sustaining communities in the face of bureaucratic dominance Dr. John Martin
Local values and knowledge shaping community involvementL Role of regional university Dr. Helen Sheil, Linda Gay, Ninde Darna Quaranook and Terese Pugliese

New Community Quarterly Vol 2 Number 3, Spring 2004

Theme of the issue: “The Cream of the Crop”; Selected Papers of various conferences about Community Development Work


Being Better off, But Feeling Worse Richard Eckersley
Community Organisations and the Dance of Good Health and Bad Risk Sue Kenny
Mobilising Local Capacity and Knowledge: A South-African Case Study John Cartwright, Madeleine Jenneker, Clifford Shearing
Youth Work and Community Development Tim Corney
Social Profits? Non-Profit Organisations in Market Culture Robyn Eversole

“not just for art’s sake” Community Arts Working and Thinking Conference

Friday 4th March 2005 St Kilda Town Hall

This inspirational one day event is for anyone who appreciates the potency of community arts. The arts are an integral part of a society’s culture and we believe that it is time to reconnect and re-energise the voice of community art. The Port Phillip Community Group, Borderlands Cooperative, Cultural Development Network and New Community Quarterly, supported by the City of Port Phillip are presenting the “not just for art’s sake” conference to explore and develop community art as a conduit to creating ownership for all members of our community. The creative participatory workshops will focus on the following themes:

  • Art and social action in reclaiming community territory.
  • Community building contexts and community re-appropriation.
  • Inclusion, giving voice to the excluded: arts-of-the-margins.
  • Art for Healing : social-therapeutic and recovery purposes.
  • Arts as Learning and Educational.

If you or your organisation would like to participate in this exciting day by sharing your experience through a presentation at one of the workshops, give a performance or display art work, please contact: Kate Daddo e-mail [email protected], 161 Chapel St. St Kilda 3182 or Fax 9525 5704.

Latest Issue: Volume 2, Number 2: Winter 2004

Theme of this issue: Community Work: the Ecology and Sustainability: linking the social with the environmental


The Earth Charter Initiative
Soul: beauty beholding beauty Bobbi Allen at the “Soil, Soul and Society” Conference
Growing a Community Garden Lorraine Llewellyn-Jones
The Monash Green Office Program Mark Boulet
Social Entrepreneaurs: Controlling the Community’s “bad lands” John Tomlinson

Cold Turkey Kurt Vonnegut
Scientific Integrity in Policymaking: a tale from the U.S.
Strategising for a change Michael Barker and Prudence Burrel
Garden of Eden Julia Morris and Amadis Lacheta
Sustainability in action: Green Streets: Healthy Business, Healthy Communities
Evolution Biology and Simultaneous Policy: Vision-Logic for the Next Stage in Our Evolutionary Future John Brunz
World Rainforest Movement Editor: Ricardo Carrere

New Community Quarterly Association
2 Minona Street, Hawthorn
P.O. Box 3079, Auburn, Victoria, 3123, Australia
Telephone: (61 3) 9819 3239   Fax (61 3) 9819 3439
Email: [email protected]ABN 60 304 561 531   ISSN 1 448-0336

Last updated 4 February, 2008 byJustin Tutty

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