
New Community Quarterly

NCQ Volume 2, Issue 4 featuring ‘Rural, Regional and Remote Community Development’
Summer 2004

Roles small rural communities play in settintg their own agendas and forging their own futures
A. Jennings

Definition of community, renewal of small towns, case studies on rural renewal (including Tambellup/Cranbrook), examination of case studies and the community self-development approach.
If you can’t kill the guru: Sustaining Communities in the Face of Bureaucratic Dominance
Dr. John Martin

Intentional communities need to survibve beyond the influence of charismatic leaders. This paper reports on the dilemma state government agencies face when they attempt local community building projects with a style reminiscent of the approach taken by charismatic leaders in intentional communities. The first part reviews the Victorian government’s approach to community building, the second part questions why the state governments persists with this work, the third reviews the effectiveness of community building activities and finally the fourth part outlines what state governments can do to create positive outcomes with local community building activities
Local values and Knowledge Shaping Community Involvement: Role of Regional University
Dr. Helen Sheil, Lola Gay, Ninde Darna Quaranook, Terese Pugliese

The theme of education, activism and organising for robust democracy is timely in the context of regional development. This paper shares a response from within rural Victoria challenging the mindset born of urban insulation, that towns of under 3,000 people are not sustainable. While the context of the work is rural, the systematic approach has relevance for people in any locality
A Collaborative Policy Process for CD
Margaret Lyn

As part of PhD field work, a major concern was the over-specialised and and individualised nature of contemporary social welfare practise. The paper looks at the development of policy with staff in a family services agency in rural Victoria. It was noted that networking with other agencies tended to concentrate on individual client issues, rather than establishing common ground, identifying community needs and working collaboratively in the community for positive social change.
Social Profits? Non-Profit Organisations in Market Culture
Robyn Eversole

Non-profit and non-government orgisations are characterised as part of the “third sector” whose goals are neither private profit making or governance. The practise of defining these organisations in the negative is symptomattic of the culture biases which view the market economy and the nation state as valued key institutions.
Community News
Neil Smith

In the past decade, the number of small towns producing a community newspaper had increased markedly. There has been an increasing realisation of the valuable role a community newspaper can play in the life and well-being of communities. This paper provides an example of how activities the Gippsland town (Mirboo North) spread beyond that community.
Forsetech – a Living Resource Centre
David Stone

A collection of project reports and presentations which have been engaged in by Associates and Graduates of the Certificate in Regional Community Development at the Centre for Rural Communities at Monash University Gippsland Campus.
Rural Australians for Refugees: Studying the Effect of Modern-Day Lobby Groups
Marie McNamara

Rural Australians for Refugees (RAR) started in New South Wales in October 2001. There are now 85 branches throughout rural Australia with about 2000 members. The question is posed what impact RAR has had on the refugee debate in Australia. The experience of RAR as a lobby group is examined yp assess the potential of such groups in general to change the course of social processes.
Faith Based Agencies and Civil Society – is there a place for Social Enterprise?
Gail Winkworth, Associate Professor Peter Camilleri

A recent study by the Australian Catholic University elucidates the size and scope of welfare work undertaken by Church agencies as well as an understanding of the pressures on agencies to focus on government-defined priorities. In particular the programs offered by Catholic Social Services are described in this article and the threats to traditional roles in the new financial and resource environments which church agencies find themselves. The article argues that in order to continue as a key agent in civil socities they must reclaim revenue sources independent of government.
Cash and the Mind of the South: Gimme That Ole Time Religion
Evan Jones

Shows historical connections between the original manifestation of evangelical-fundamentalist Christianity in the southern states of the US whilst referring to their present day expressions and exponents in Australia, most notably realised in the philosophy and political practise of Family First..

New Community Quarterly Association
2 Minona Street, Hawthorn
P.O. Box 3079, Auburn, Victoria, 3123, Australia
Telephone: (61 3) 9819 3239   Fax (61 3) 9819 3439
Email: [email protected]ABN 60 304 561 531   ISSN 1 448-0336

Last updated 4 February, 2008 byJustin Tutty

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